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The Story of a former Marathoner, Triathlete and current Soccer, Golf, Tennis...Mom

As a mom of very active kids, and sitting on numerous sidelines  - I've seen my share of trips and falls, twists and strains, and tears. Need ice. Need it now.

Looking around for who has the cooler with ice, the bags to put it in! Or those instant ice packs you crack – great. But how do you hold it on and keep it on! There had to be a better, easier, more effective way!

And that, my friends is why IceeNOW was created! As parents, we all want to keep our kid athletes in the game and not sidelined by injury. Just as drinking water, stretching, warm-up, and cool down is important  - so is icing to help muscles recover faster and help prevent injuries. No sports bag should be without!

I certainly wish I had this product when I trained and ran the San Francisco, Cal International, New York and San Diego Rock 'n Roll Marathons (in 2 years, starting off as a non-runner), and then a few years later trained and completed the Wild Flower and Pacific Grove Olympic Distance Triathlons. All 6 events were with Team In Training and raising money for Leukemia - it's amazing the motivation when running for a cause - something bigger than yourself!!

I iced often at home - but it would have been really helpful to ice right after the training run, bike or even swim on the car ride home! I also could have avoided some ice burns after leaving ice packs on too long!

Enjoy the game, the training, the race - but especially the ice cream afterwards, you deserve it!!


Email us at: info@iceenow.com







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