About Us

The Story Of A Soccer Mom
Our Story... As a mom of two very active kids, and sitting on numerous sidelines - I've seen my share of trips and falls, twists and strains, and tears. Need ice. Need it now! Looking around for who has the cooler with ice, the bags to put it in! Or those instant ice packs you crack – great. But how do you hold it on and keep it on! There had to be a better, easier, more effective way! And that, is why IceeNOW was created! As parents, we all want to keep our kid athletes in the game and not sidelined by injury. Just as drinking water, stretching, warm-up, and cool down is important - so is icing to help muscles recover faster and help prevent injuries. No sports bag should be without! And guess what, it is not only the kids who want to “Stay in the Game”. Whether you like to hike, run, play tennis, golf, cross fit, gym, you name it, none of us want to be sidelined and unable to do the things we love. We all are told the magic formula is - R.I.C.E. (Rest.Ice.Compression.Elevation). - and yes it's true, it works!! Ice and compression (as well as heat) therapy is an easy and effective preventative and recovery treatment for anyone, young and old, suffering from muscle soreness, and joint aches and pains. Just add a good massage, and get back to what you love! Based on our customer feedback we continue to innovate and add new products including fitness and recovery tools, portable first aid & therapeutic icing & heating solutions for all body parts! IceeNOW now offers a whole range of easy and effective cooling, heat and compression products that include Sleeves, Tape, Wraps and more, for on the go first aid or at home use! BE ACTIVE. STAY ACTIVE. Email us at: info@iceenow.com ~Sue Shannon has been a professional marketer and entrepreneur for decades. She currently serves as a marketing professional and consultant for several area corporations.