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Ask The Expert

Raychel Shannon, professional athlete, sport recovery specialist, and nutrition coach - ICEENOW

Raychel Shannon, professional athlete, sport recovery specialist, and nutrition coach

Raychel has been playing basketball since she was in 2nd grade.  Over her career Raychel has had nagging back injuries.  To some extent they were preventable if she had put more focus on recovery rather than pushing herself to train through the discomfort.  She believes that athletes have the tendency to overtrain and don't prioritize recovery to the level they need to. This can include a variety of recovery modalities and always begins with the basics: Sleep  Proper Nutrition Cold/Hot Therapy  
Nutrition tips from Nikki Hiltz - ICEENOW

Nutrition tips from Nikki Hiltz

"Don't be afraid to experiment with food and try new things to really see what works for you and your body because not everyone's the same."
Soccer Coach Alex Devey - ICEENOW

Soccer Coach Alex Devey

His advice to all players is to get into a routine and do whatever you can to stay active.  Take this time now to reflect and identify something you want to learn or really improve.
Advice from our PT Jen Young - ICEENOW

Advice from our PT Jen Young

The most common injuries Jen treats as a Physical Therapist, are muscle and joint strains as well as overuse injuries such as tendinitis. Make sure to ice these problem areas after each workout. Have an IceeNOW handy!
Bertha Vazquez, Triathlete, Mom, National AG Champion 2018 & 2019 - ICEENOW

Bertha Vazquez, Triathlete, Mom, National AG Champion 2018 & 2019

Bertha started running late in life some 14 years ago and got into triathlons 5 years ago.  Her biggest sports accomplishment to date is  taking 2nd place at the 2018 ITU World Triathlon Championship in Australia.  What is her secret? Bertha starts each day with a healthy breakfast and then off for a run through her neighborhood or cycling with her team.  Pre-pandemic she would end her day swimming at a near by pool.  She uses IceeNOW after every training and gets weekly massages to help rest her muscles.  In the past she has suffered from leg and knee injuries so now she makes sure to properly stretch before...
Neely Gracey's workout and recovery routine post-baby! - ICEENOW

Neely Gracey's workout and recovery routine post-baby!

To build back some power in her stride after pregnancy, Neely has been doing a lot more speed focused workouts and loves a good hill repeat workout. To prevent injury Neely has a 7 step routine: 1. dynamic/activation; 2. warm-up; 3. strides; 4. drills; 5. race/workout; 6. cool down; 7. recovery stretch/strength. Post baby, Neely says her shins have become a problem spot. If she feels some tightness, she uses the R8 from Roll Recovery followed by IceeNow. She finds the IceeNow works great on her feet and lower legs.